LASS Field Try 第二彈:即時數據呈現系統
接續上一篇”LASS Field Try 第一彈:PM2.5量測裝設指南”,在安裝好硬體之後,便可進行即時數據呈現系統的安裝,方便於使用者觀看即時感測器數據。
LASS Field Try #1: Device Instructions(English)
FieldTry is created by the cooperation of the members of the LASS community. By implementing the FieldTry, we can realize the spirit of the LASS. Beside,it also can let the maker learn the knowledge of hardware platform through working.
室內環控系統 IASS(Indoor Aware Sensing System)
接續上篇『智慧家庭:PM2.5空氣感測器(電路設計上篇)』,教大家如何組立空氣粒子感測裝置電子電路組裝,而本篇將介紹空氣懸浮粒子感測器、LCD 2004 顯示模組等電路安裝,並進行第一階段的整合測試。,並進行第一階段的整合測試。